FIS* (Federation Internationale de Ski) Rules of Conduct

-Approved by the FIS Congress 2002-

1 . Respect for others
The skier must behave in such a way that others are not endangered or harmed.

2. Speed ​​control
The skier must move in a controlled manner and modify his speed and the way he skis according to his abilities, the prevailing piste, snow and weather conditions and according to the density of traffic.

3. Course Selection
The following skier must choose his course in such a way as not to endanger the skiers in front.

A skier may pass another skier from the right or left, provided he leaves enough space for the skier he is passing to make any involuntary or intentional movement.

5. Entry, start and upward movement
A skier entering a given route (piste) or skiing after a stop or moving uphill must control his movement on the slope so as not to endanger the himself or others.

6. Stopping on the piste
Unless absolutely necessary, the skier must avoid stopping in narrow parts of the piste or in places with reduced visibility. After falling in such places, the skier must move away from the piste as quickly as possible.

7. Ascent and descent on foot
The slope that is ascended or descended on foot must be at the edge of the piste.

8. Respect for signs and markings
The ski slope must respect all signs and markings.

9. Help
In an accident it is the duty of every skier to help.

10. Identification
Any skier who witnesses an accident, whether at fault or not, must exchange names, addresses and information after an accident with all involved.
